
Last year, we directly impacted the lives of over 400,000 children in locations as diverse as Sierra Leone, Pakistan and London.

If you want to know more about the difference we have made, read the stories of children and adults we have worked with. For the most recent evaluations of our projects, check out the Document Library.

A review of project evaluations conducted in 2013 identified Child to Child activities as positively impacting:

- children's life skills - e.g. team work, decision-making, communication, critical and creative thinking.

- learning skills - e.g. reasoning, coming to conclusions, collecting and interpreting data.

- language skills - e.g. literacy, listening and speaking.

Evaluation for Hearing All Voices

Evaluation for Hearing All Voices  thumbnail

Read about the impact that our Hearing All Voices project has had on marginalised young people in London.

Evaluation for Pikin to Pikin Tok

Evaluation Pikin to Pikin Tok  thumbnail

Child to Child’s Pikin to Pikin Tok project produced radio-programmes with and for Ebola-affected children in Sierra Leone. Read the evaluation here.

“I learnt so much within the Child to Child programme!”

“I learnt so much within the Child to Child programme!”  thumbnail

Norvis Vásquez Vásquez used to be part of a Child to Child programme in his hometown in Nicaragua in the 1990s. Regularly meeting with boys and girls about his age to discuss various topics, from human rights to health to music, his experience with the Niño a Niño club is filled with good memories.

Getting Ready for School, a successful programme

Getting Ready for School, a successful programme  thumbnail

The American Institutes for Research conducted an exhaustive research on the impacts of Getting Ready for School, our joint pilot project with Unicef which ran from 2007-2010.

Community members' views from Sierra Leone

Community members’ views from Sierra Leone  thumbnail

Since 2012, Child to Child has been developing a project with Pikin to Pikin in Sierra Leone to enhance early childhood development and work with parents on the benefits of education.

Young Facilitators' views from Sierra Leone

Young Facilitators’ views from Sierra Leone  thumbnail

Young facilitators share their experience with our ‘Increasing Access, Retention and Performance in Primary Education’ Project.

Health Clubs, a life-changing activity for Kennedy in Kenya

Health Clubs, a life-changing activity for Kennedy in Kenya  thumbnail

Thanks to child to child clubs on health issues – HIV/AIDS – Kennedy was able to become a true agent of his life.

Child-centred community development in Sudan

Child-centred community development in Sudan  thumbnail

In 2005, Child to Child started to work with Plan Sudan to enhance children’s participation in solving the problems they were facing at school and in their community.