Projects: Child protection

Learn more about our current projects or those we were involved in previously.

Child Rights Capacity Development Programme – Phase 2

Child Rights Capacity Development Programme – Phase 2  thumbnail

Child to Child has been commissioned by the Oak Foundation to build the capacity of grantee organizations in applying the six principles of its Child Abuse Programme. We are now in Phase 2 of the project, working with 60 organizations across Eastern Europe and East Africa.

Pikin to Pikin Tok: a radio educational programme

Pikin To Pikin Tok radio programme  thumbnail

In March 2015 we launched a new educational radio programme in Sierra Leone to enhance children’s social, numeracy, literacy and life skills. Radio is a medium of education that both minimises the risk of Ebola transmission and allows larger numbers of beneficiaries to be reached.

Child protection through child participation in Latin America

Promoting effective child participation to enhance child protection in Latin America  thumbnail

Since early 2014, we have worked with SOS Children’s Villages to build the capacity of their Member Associates in Latin America to promote the voice of children in issues that affect them.

'Palenques infantiles' against violence in Peru

Palenque infantil with Afro-Peruvian children  thumbnail

Started in October 2014, Palenques Infantiles is a project which encourages the organisation of AfroPeruvian children to analyse their situation, recognise their rights, and have their voices heard by society.

Child rights capacity development programme

Child rights capacity development programme  thumbnail

Since January 2014 we have supported 30 organisations in Eastern Europe and East Africa, that receive funding from the Oak Foundation’s Child Abuse Programme, to incorporate Child Rights programming principles into their work.

A Response to Child Soldiers Recruitment in Sierra Leone

Preventing the recruitment of child soldiers, Sierra Leone  thumbnail

In 2013 Child to Child was commissioned by the Romeo Dallaire Child Soldiers Initiative to develop resources intended to prevent the recruitment of children into armed groups in Sierra Leone.